Danescombe Officers


Viscount Steinn Vikingsson

His Excellency Viscount Steinn Vikingsson has be participating in the SCA since 1993. He was knighted in 2003 and made a Pelican in 2013. He and his lady Viscomtessa Gemma Have reigned as Prince and Princess a total of five times within the then Principality of Avacal and in Tir Righ.



Master Murdoch Sinclair

Master Murdoch Sinclair has been part of the Society of Creative Anachronism in the Okanagan for nearly 20 years.  His enjoyment of armour making, rapier, woodworking, archery, and chosen family have kept him coming back year after year.  He is inspired by his Lady Wife HL Madire Sinclair who’s gentle prodding and constant support have helped foster all of his best parts. 


Master of Stables

Viscount Steinn Vikingsson

His Excellency Viscount Steinn Vikingsson is currently the officer for the Master of Stables in addition to the Seneshal. He coordinates armoured practice within the shire. Please feel free to contact for any heavy fighting questions. He would be happy to help and connect you with the right resources


Minister of Arts & Sciences

Archibald the Red was originally drawn to the SCA to find community after moving to the Okanagan in early 2022, where they practiced rapier until they were whisked away by nålbinding. This started the journey through the arts and sciences by learning spinning, dyeing, nålbinding, and collecting more knowledge as time goes on. Teaching a few classes and looking to help connect others to new skills and passions, Archibald currently holds the arts & sciences officer position.


Scribal Officer

Taliesin ap Hafgan

HE Taliesin ap Hafgan has played in the SCA since September, 2001. He has held a number of officers positions in the Shire, Principality and Kingdom. Is currently the shire’s Scribal Officer. Taliesin has and continues to travel throughout the Kingdom teaching calligraphy and illumination as well as the making of inks and pigments using period recipes and techniques.


Exchequer & Chamberlain

HL Madire Sincalir

HL Madire Sincalir, one of the founding members of the Shire of Danescombe, has an avid passion for garb sewing, cooking, archery, axe & knife throwing, brewing, as well as volunteering to help foster not only the Shire, but the Principality and the Kingdom within which we live.  With the love and support from her dashing husband HL Murdoch Sinclair.



Currently vacant


Master of Blades

Gawain Grey

Gawain Grey joined the SCA in 2007 and left An Tir in 2010 to explore the Knowne World. After a hiatus from rapier training, he returned to Danescombe in 2022 with his family. Gawain is committed to refining his rapier skills and creating a supportive learning environment for others.



Drazhan De Spens
